
Still Standing After All These Years:

The Saga of the Brushy Creek Water Control and Improvement District Dams

A view of Coupland dam and land surrounding it.

Floods and droughts are the bane of Central Texas. Seems to be either too much water or not enough. Today, we have a series of dams across the southern region of Williamson County in the Brushy Creek Watershed. How did they come to be?

Historical records show that in 1921, a serious storm hit central Texas and the town of Thrall that received over 38 inches of rain in 24 hours. A worst-case storm would rain 44 inches in 24 hours. Of course, there was no warning. About half of Williamson County and western Milam County were under significant amounts of water.

In Milam County the flooding washed out approximately one mile of the International and Great Northern train tracks, including a trestle 20 feet high. A lake about 10 miles wide formed in the area where the Brushy Creek and San Gabriel River converge. Over 200 fatalities were reported.

(Picture of the Coupland Dam)

In 1955, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (now the U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service) conducted a comprehensive study of the Brushy Creek watershed and recommended that 56 dams be constructed, which they would design and pay for. However, they needed a local entity to be the owner/operator of the dams and reservoirs.

Thursday, April 19, 2018/Author: Doris Sanchez/Number of views (6112)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Hot Topics

Crime Victims’ Rights Week Proclamation

National Crime Victims Rights Week was observed the week of April 8-14.

Commissioner Cook is standing behind a podium reading the National Crime Victims' Rights Week Proclamation.Commissioner Cook reads the Crime Victims Rights Week Proclamation at a ceremony at the Williamson
County Courthouse on April 11, 2018, approved earlier by the Commissioners Court.

Crime Victims Rights Week was observed the week of April 8-14.

Please read the Proclamation at http://www.wilco.org/Portals/0/Departments/CommP1/PROCLAMATION%20-%202018%20Crime%20Victrims%20Righs%20week%20for%20Wilco.pdf?ver=2018-04-12-151040-777

Tuesday, April 17, 2018/Author: Doris Sanchez/Number of views (6046)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Events

The Texas Housing Foundation


Is it true the THF could exercise its eminent domain authority in Williamson County even though the the county does not join the THF? 

Answer:  Yes

By joining the THF, can the county forbid the THF from using its eminent domain authority?

Answer:  Yes, because the resolution agreement being considered on April 17, 2018 to join the THF at the Williamson County Commissioners Court hearing expressly denies THF the ability to use eminent domain to acquire property for the purpose of developing workforce housing.      

The Commissioners Court currently has authority to contract (or not) in relation to a project that would be proposed outside of a municipality.  Would the court lose that authority once it joins the THF and appoints a commissioner?

Answer:  The Court would not be subject to "THF's approval" for any future contracts, and would not somehow be subject to additional state or federal regulation by virtue of its participation within THF. The Williamson County Commissioners Court would not lose any level of authority by virtue of joining the THF and appointing a commissioner. 

Monday, April 16, 2018/Author: Doris Sanchez/Number of views (7769)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Hot Topics
Mid-April 2018

Mid-April 2018

Springing Toward Busy Times in WilCo!

Like to fish? Bring the kids to our Learn To Fish Day. Have a new addition to the family? Bring your child and their car seat to be fitted for proper installation to our Safe Baby Academy. You will also learn about recommended practices for caring for the little one! Save the date for the Prescription Drug Take Back Day on April 28 and then check out the great events going on at The WilCo EXPO Center. The Chuckwagon Dinner at Old Settlers Park and Pioneer Day with The Williamson Museum are must see and do events! There's always plenty to do in and around WilCo! Enjoy it all.

Monday, April 16, 2018/Author: Kathi Wysong/Number of views (0)/Comments (0)/
Categories: WilCounty Line
Public Input Needed on Comprehensive Parks Master Plan

Public Input Needed on Comprehensive Parks Master Plan

The Williamson County Comprehensive Parks Master Plan is in the process of being updated. In April, a series of four public townhall meetings was held to see the results of the citizen survey and share preliminary recommendations of the proposed plan. Now, the public has the opportunity to view the meeting materials online and email comments to parkandrec@wilco.org through Monday, April 30, 2018. View the Open House boards or the Trail Map.

Thursday, April 12, 2018/Author: Connie Odom/Number of views (7740)/Comments (0)/
Categories: PIO

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