Public Facility and Infrastructure Improvements
  • Fund non-housing community development proposals that eliminate a threat to public health and safety to include water/sewer projects, drainage projects, sidewalks, and street improvements.
  • Fund public facility improvements that benefit low income households and persons, and persons with special needs to include senior centers, neighborhood facilities, youth centers, homeless facilities, childcare centers, parks and recreational facilities.
Increase Access to Affordable Housing
  • Fund activities that expand the supply and improve the condition of housing affordable to lower income households.
  • Fund activities that leverage other public and private resources such as Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects.
  • Extend the useful life of existing affordable housing through weatherization, repair, and rehabilitation programs.
Decrease Homelessness
  • Provide funds to support shelter operations and transitional housing.
  • Provide funding to increase permanent supportive housing opportunities and work to create a stronger network of providers of supportive and mainstream services to homeless clients. 
Public Services
  • Fund projects that provide supportive services to low- and moderate-income household as well as persons with special needs.
  • Support efforts to develop a regional social service collaborative to coordinate the work of social service organizations, disseminate information, and eliminate duplication of effort.
Affirmatively Further Fair Housing
  • Support improved access to community resources.
  • Continue to operate in compliance with protected class definitions found in federal regulations.
Priority Table


Priority Need Name

Increase Access to Affordable Housing

Priority Level



Extremely Low Income
Low Income
Moderate Income
Large Families
Families with Children
Elderly Families
Public Housing Residents
Frail Elderly
Persons with Mental Disabilities
Persons with Physical Disabilities
Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Persons with Alcohol or Other Addictions
Persons with HIV/AIDS and their Families
Victims of Domestic Violence

Geographic Areas Affected

CDBG Eligible

Associated Goals

Housing rehabilitation
Homeownership assistance
Affordable rental housing


Provide assistance to homeowners and renters to increase access to affordable housing and to extend the life of existing units.

Basis for Relative Priority

High housing costs reduce economic opportunities and access to prosperity.


Priority Need Name

Decrease Homelessness

Priority Level



Families with Children
Elderly Families
Frail Elderly
Persons with Mental Disabilities
Persons with Physical Disabilities
Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Persons with Alcohol or Other Addictions
Persons with HIV/AIDS and their Families
Victims of Domestic Violence

Geographic Areas Affected


Associated Goals

Provide housing/services to the homeless/at risk of homelessness


Provide support for facilities and services that are targeted at those experiencing homelessness and/or at risk of homelessness

Basis for Relative Priority

Homelessness has been increasing and there is a need to provide shelter and support for persons experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of becoming homeless. This includes persons who are living in cars, doubled up or couch surfing. Support could come in the form of emergency shelters, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing and services related to health and mental health, substance abuse issues, etc.


Priority Need Name

Public Facilities and Infrastructure Improvements

Priority Level



Extremely Low Income
Low Income
Moderate Income
Non-housing Community Development

Geographic Areas Affected

CDBG Eligible

Associated Goals

Improve public infrastructure
Improve public facilities


Improvements to public facilities and infrastructure and facilities that deliver public services. Infrastructure improvements include: solid waste disposal, flood drains, water/sewer, streets, sidewalks, neighborhood facilities, and parks and recreational facilities. Examples of public facilities include those that serve youth/children, abused and neglected children, seniors, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable populations.  

Basis for Relative Priority

There is a need to make improvements, particularly in low- and moderate-income areas in which the local jurisdictions are less able to leverage resources or attract investments that are necessary to improve the quality of life. There is a significant need for water resources, wastewater and improved drainage throughout the county.


Priority Need Name

Public Services

Priority Level



Extremely Low Income
Low Income
Moderate Income
Non-homeless special needs
Persons with disabilities
Victims of domestic violence
Families with children
Non-housing Community Development

Geographic Areas Affected


Associated Goals

Provide public services


Delivery of public services for seniors, persons with disabilities, youth, victims of domestic violence, abused and neglected children as well as childcare services, health and mental health services, transportation, non-homeless special needs and employment training.

Basis for Relative Priority

A variety of public services are needed including services for seniors, youth and children, those needing mental health services, health services, services for persons with disabilities, services for victims of domestic violence and non-homeless special needs. Public transportation is a significant need to enable individuals to access services.


Priority Need Name

Affirmatively Further Fair Housing Choice

Priority Level



Extremely Low Income
Low Income
Moderate Income
Families with Children
Elderly Families
Frail Elderly
Persons with Mental Disabilities
Persons with Physical Disabilities
Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Persons with Alcohol or Other Addictions
Persons with HIV/AIDS and their Families
Victims of Domestic Violence

Geographic Areas Affected


Associated Goals

Fair housing activities


Provide education and outreach to the community regarding fair housing laws

Basis for Relative Priority

There is the continued need for education and outreach for the general public, those in the real estate industry, landlords and property managers regarding fair housing laws.


Priority Need Name

Planning and Administration

Priority Level



Extremely Low Income
Low Income
Moderate Income

Geographic Areas Affected


Associated Goals

Planning and administration


Administrative and planning costs to operate the CDBG program successfully.

Basis for Relative Priority

Effective and efficient implementation of CDBG funding requires adequate resources for program planning and administration.