
Avery Ranch HOA Celebrates Fourth of July on July 3

Commissioner Cook was invited to speak and read a patriotic poem by the Avery Ranch HOA, and here she is reading Independence Day by an unknown author. (Select Read More for poem.)

  • 11 julio 2017
  • Author: Doris Sanchez
  • Number of views: 9274

They wrote a Declaration

So the whole world would see -

This was, "the home of the brave

And the land of the free"


They signed that piece of parchment

The leaders of this land -

Knowing, divided they would fall

But, together they could stand


A new world lay before them

Untamed from shore to shore -

They swore they would protect it

If it meant going to war


Battles have been fought -

And many lives have been lost -

So sad something so basic

Has such a high, high cost


'Seems freedom is a luxury

There's some would bind us all -

Like then, together, we can stand

But divided, we will fall


More than two hundred years

Have passed by since that day

That each of us celebrate

In our own different way


We should be proud and thankful

Pay our share of the cost -

Not take freedom for granted

For it easily could be lost


In the 20th Century,

They turned to us with plea

They too tired of oppression

And wanting to be free.


We heard their cries for assistance

Their calls for help we’d heed

We’re not only brave at home

But unite to help those lands in need.


Now in the 21st Century

We’re feeling weary of the load

The needs of others are greater

Feels like the world’s going to explode.


Can we endure meeting our needs and theirs?

Can we sacrifice hearts and mind

helping both them and us?

Are we the keepers of mankind?


Now from the famous words of President Thomas J. Whitmore:


Mankind – that word should have a new meaning for all of us today.

We cannot be consumed by our petty differences anymore.

We should be united in our common interests.


Perhaps it’s fate, today is the 3rd of July and we once again are thinking about our freedom –

Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution, but of movement, thought, beliefs.


We’re thinking of our gift to live, to exist on this great day and to celebrate tomorrow the 4th of July, our greatest of American holidays, those sacrifices made so that we can declare with one voice:


We will not go quietly into the night,

We will not vanish without a fight,

We’ll continue to share with others

The greatness that is America.


Tomorrow we celebrate our independence day!

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