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Williamson County Vaccine Providers to Begin Vaccinating Phase 1c

Williamson County Vaccine Providers to Begin Vaccinating Phase 1c

Residents who fall under the Texas Department of State Health Services’ (DSHS) Phase 1c may sign-up starting today, March 15, on Williamson County’s centralized waitlist to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.  

DSHS opened the vaccination process to Phase 1c individuals, which includes anyone between the age of 50 to 64 years old. DSHS reported that people in this age bracket are the next most vulnerable group in our population and could suffer serious to life-threatening effects when infected with COVID-19. 

To date, 144,669 doses have been administered to Williamson County residents and 42,995 of those residents have been fully vaccinated, according to data provided by DSHS.

Williamson County has approximately 13,500 people on the waitlist that are in Phase 1b with approximately 3,600 of that group who are over 65. Williamson County’s vaccine providers, Family Hospital Systems and Curative, will be able to send email invitations to schedule a vaccination appointment to people in Phase 1b this week and then will begin sending emails for vaccination appointments to people in Phase 1c as the vaccine supply from the state allows.  

To get on the waitlist, click here.

Categories: COVID-19, PIO

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