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Williamson County Vaccine Providers to Begin Vaccinating All Adults

Beginning Monday, March 29, 2021

Williamson County Vaccine Providers to Begin Vaccinating All Adults

All adults in Texas who want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine will be eligible to be vaccinated starting Monday, March 29. The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel recommended expanding the vaccination process to include any adult who wishes to get vaccinated and falls under the current Food and Drug Administration emergency use authorizations. Details from DSHS on this decision can be found here.

Williamson County vaccine providers, which include Family Hospital Systems and Curative, are administering the vaccine by appointment to individuals who are on the County’s centralized waitlist. To get on the waitlist, please click here.

The County’s providers will continue to prioritize individuals according to the state’s 1a, 1b and 1c categories. As the allotment of the vaccine allows, providers will then service individuals from the waitlist who do not fall under those categories.

“I am thrilled that we can now vaccinate any adult who wishes to get the COVID-19 vaccine. This is one more tool in our toolbox to help us protect our community and continue our efforts to combat this deadly virus,” said Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell.

Categories: COVID-19, PIO

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