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Williamson County under Winter Storm Watch Thursday

  • 1 February 2022
  • Author: Connie Odom
  • Number of views: 2097
Williamson County under Winter Storm Watch Thursday

A Winter Storm Watch has been issued from 3 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 3, for the region, including Williamson County, where icing and travel impacts are most likely to occur. If roads are icy or dangerous, please stay home! To learn more about driving conditions in Texas, visit www.drivetexas.org.

As the temperature drop below freezing, remember to protect the 4 Ps: people, pets, plants and pipes.


  • Dress warmly in layers
  • Check on elderly family and neighbors
  • Have safe heating equipment. Do not use a generator, grill, camp-stove, or any gasoline, propane, natural gas or charcoal-burning device to heat your home. They can generate deadline carbon monoxide gas which cannot be smelled or seen. 

Pets and Livestock:

  • Pets should be brought inside or into a protected covered area
  • Livestock should be provided wind-break and roof shelter
  • Access to drinking water is critical.  Usual water sources may freeze solid in low temperatures and dehydration becomes life-threatening. 


  • Cover exposed pipes to protect them from freezing. 


  • Move plants in containers indoors if possible.
  • Cover your plants before nightfall. 
  • Water the soil around your plants thoroughly before the temperature drops below 32 degrees.  The moisture will keep the air around your plants just a bit warmer.

Sign up for local alerts through www.warncentraltexas.org.

Please listen to your NOAA weather radio, the weather reports on your favorite local radio and television stations, or visit the NWS website at www.srh.noaa.gov/ewx for the latest weather information and forecasts.

Categories: PIO

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