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Williamson County Offices Closed Tuesday, February 16, Due to Wintry Weather Impacts

Williamson County Offices Closed Tuesday, February 16, Due to Wintry Weather Impacts

Williamson County offices will be closed on Tuesday, February 16, due to continuous wintry impacts in the area. Essential personnel will still report for duty. The Williamson County Commissioners Court meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, February 16, has been canceled. Berry Springs Park and Preserve and Southwest Williamson County Regional Park also remain closed on February 16. 

Residents are encouraged to remain indoors and use the County’s online services that are being offered in various departments. To access the latest information from each department, please visit www.wilco.org. If you must drive, watch for slick road conditions on elevated surfaces, slow down and keep plenty of distance between you and other vehicles.

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) continues to lead the county’s response efforts and is working closely with local partners, including the school districts, the National Weather Service and cities, regarding the developing weather conditions. Each entity is making decisions based on many factors with safety being the top consideration. Please check with each entity for changes in their operations and hours.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has declared Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 3, as operating energy reserves across Texas have reached critical levels. This requires electric providers to implement rotating outages. Rotating outages are only implemented as a last resort to maintain reliability of the electric system. ERCOT expects to continue these rotating outages through Tuesday. If a resident experiences a power outage that surpasses an hour-long period, it is likely not a rotating outage but rather a power outage. Residents are encouraged to report a power outage to their provider and check for the latest conditions by visiting each provider’s website.

For more updates and information, follow us at @PreparingWilco on Twitter and Facebook. For information on road conditions, please visit www.drivetexas.org.

Categories: PIO

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