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Williamson County Citizens Bond Committee

  • 21 March 2019
  • Author: Connie Odom
  • Number of views: 5044
Williamson County Citizens Bond Committee

The Citizens Bond Committee held its first meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2019 in the Commissioners Courtroom of the historic courthouse, 710 S. Main Street, Georgetown. The purpose of a Williamson County Citizens Bond Committee is to review and analyze the infrastructure needs of Williamson County to determine if the county should consider a bond election in November 2019. Information on the committee and its upcoming meetings and agendas can be found at www.wilco.org/bondcommittee.

On March 5, the Williamson County Commissioners formed a Citizens Bond Committee to discuss future needs for county roads and parks. If the committee decides that bonds are needed to fund projects, then the committee is to propose projects to the Williamson County Commissioners Court for potential funding in November 2019 Bond Referendums. The Commissioners Court will then consider their recommendation and make a final determination regarding bond language to be placed on the November 2019 ballot.  

The bond advisory committee was created with the County Judge selecting the committee chair and each commissioner naming two people to serve on the committee. Committee members are:
Committee Chair: David Hays
Precinct 1: Meg Walsh and Mitch Fuller
Precinct 2: Joe Bob Ellison and Matt Powell
Precinct 3: Tim Lear and John Marler
Precinct 4: Ron Randig and Bryon Brochers

Categories: PIO

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