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Williamson County Breaks Ground on C. Bud Stockton Loop Extension

  • 16 February 2023
  • Author: Yvonne Ramirez
  • Number of views: 1666
Williamson County Breaks Ground on C. Bud Stockton Loop Extension

Williamson County Pct. 4 Commissioner Russ Boles was joined by others to break ground on the extension of C. Bud Stockton Loop from FM 487 to CR 305. The project includes constructing two lanes of a future four-lane roadway connecting CR 305 to FM 487/C. Bud Stockton with turn lanes.

The 1.78-mile-long project will improve connectivity to the north and reduce delays along FM 487. Extending the loop will provide commuters with an alternative route to the interstate while alleviating congestion on FM 487.

“This groundbreaking has been a process and years in the making,” said Precinct 4 Commissioner Russ Boles. “ I am grateful to Commissioner Valerie Covey and her office. Without them, this project would not have gone forward so I want to commend Commissioner Covey for her dedication and the foresight to get this project going and thank her for all her hard work.”

The engineer is Pape-Dawson Engineers, and the contractor is Cash Construction. The cost is $5,917,275 and is funded with 2019 voter-approved road bonds. The project is anticipated to be completed in Mid-August.

Categories: PIO

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