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Williamson County Announces New Veterans Services Director

Williamson County Announces New Veterans Services Director

The Williamson County Commissioners Court selected Juan Amaya Jr., a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, to serve as the new Veterans Services Director. Amaya started his new role on Friday, May 6.

Amaya previously served as the assistant veterans service officer for Cameron County. He has experience interviewing veterans and dependents to determine eligibility for federal and state benefits, as well as assisting veterans in preparing forms, documents and applications for benefits. Amaya also has experience conducting Veterans Benefits Administration hearings with Veterans Affairs judges to make decisions on claims and cases.

Before serving as an assistant veterans service officer, Amaya previously served as interim director of veterans services and secretary for the Veterans County Service Officers Association of Texas for Cameron County.

Amaya graduated from Texas Southmost College with an associate degree in Criminal Justice and is certified with Texas Veterans Commission in filing claims and accredited with Veterans Affairs.

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