

Williamson County Board of Health Meeting

Event date: 1/12/2022 1:30 PM Export event

Posted: Jan 7, 2022
Categories: Public Meetings
Comments: 0
Author: bawassink

Williamson County Board of Health Meeting
Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 1:30 p.m.
City of Round Rock
HR Training Room
231 E. Main Street, Round Rock, TX 78664

Board of Health Directors
Chris Copple (Cedar Park, 12/24) Jeffrey Jenkins (Taylor, 12/23)
David Morgan (Georgetown, 12/22) Kathy Pierce, Chair (County, 12/22)
Bob Farley (Hutto, 12/22) Ed Tydings (County, 12/23)
Robert Powers (Leander/Liberty Hill, 12/24) Caroline Hilbert, Interim Executive Director
Laurie Hadley (Round Rock, 12/24)

Call regular session to order

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call
  3. Acknowledge staff and visitors; hear any comments. This will be the only opportunity for public comment. The Health District invites comments on any matter affecting the district, whether on the agenda or not. Speakers should limit their comments to two minutes. Note that members of the Board may not comment at the meeting about matters that are not on the agenda.


  1. Approval of minutes, Regular Meeting, 12/08/21
  2. Review of 2021 Board of Health Summary of Actions Taken


  1. The Williamson County Board of Health may convene in closed Executive Session to discuss pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters other confidential attorney-client legal matters (EXECUTIVE SESSION as per VTCA Govt. Code sec. 551.071 consultation with attorney), and any other matters permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act to be discussed in closed Executive Session, including the following:
    1. Litigation or claims or potential litigation or claims against WCCHD or by WCCHD
    2. Status Update-Pending Cases or Claims
    3. Employee/personnel related matters
    4. Other confidential attorney-client matters, including contract and certain matters related to WCCHD defense issues in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body within the attorney/client relationship clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
    5. Consultation with attorneys regarding EEOC Charge of Discrimination 451-2021-02587: Derrick Neal v. Williamson County and Cities Health District and investigation of claims and conduct of former Executive Director Derrick Neal.


  1. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters and other legal matters, including the following:
    1. Litigation or claims or potential litigation or claims against WCCHD or by WCCHD
    2. Status Update-Pending Cases or Claims
    3. Employee/personnel related matters
    4. Other confidential attorney-client matters, including contract and certain matters related to WCCHD defense issues in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body within the attorney/client relationship clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
    5. EEOC Charge of Discrimination 451-2021-02587: Derrick Neal v. Williamson County and Cities Health District and investigation of claims and conduct of former Executive Director Derrick Neal.
  2. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action to authorize conducting a forensic audit on behalf of WCCHD
  3. Ratification of Professional Services Agreement – Community Health Assessment
  4. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on WCCHD Attendance and Leave Policy
  5. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on WCCHD Flexible Work Environment Policy
  6. Executive Director’s Report
  7. 13) Adjourn

I certify that the above notice of a regular Board of Health meeting was posted in the main entrance of the Health District office at 355 Texas Ave., Round Rock, Texas before January 7, 2022, at 6:00 PM and remained posted for at least 72 continuous hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.
Dr. Caroline Hilbert, Interim Executive Director
This Regular Session may be recessed at any time to convene an Executive Session for any purpose authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551, or by Texas Government Code Section 418.183. Any subject discussed in executive session may be subject to action during the open meeting.


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