

Saturday, June 6, is National Trails Day

Saturday, June 6, is National Trails Day
Posted: Jun 3, 2020
Categories: Parks, PIO
Comments: 0
Author: Connie Odom

 More park-goers are finding time to be outdoors with their loved ones. With National Trails Day happening on Saturday, June 6, the Williamson County Parks and Recreation staff is prepared to welcome even larger crowds; however, to prevent any COVID-19 exposure, residents wanting to visit our facilities are urged to follow the safety guidelines that have been implemented. Those include keeping a 6-foot distance between your group and other park visitors, avoiding visiting the parks if you are feeling ill, using safety precautions such as warning others if you are passing on a bike, and wearing a face-covering, if able. For more details on County park facilities, please visit https://www.wilco.org/parks.


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