

JP 3 Receives Award for Work in Substance Abuse Prevention

Posted: Mar 25, 2015
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Author: bawassink

JP3 Receives Award

Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace Bill Gravell received the “Life Steps Award” for his outstanding contributions to the efforts of the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition in Williamson County. The award was presented by Life Steps Council on Alcohol and Drugs in Round Rock during their annual recognition following National Substance Abuse Prevention Week, May 17 to 23, 2015.

At the Commissioners Court meeting on June 2, Life Steps Executive Director Julie Stevens said the award is given to someone whose work preventing substance abuse is extraordinary. Judge Gravell was chosen as this year’s recipient for his work implementing a six-month juvenile drug court that focuses on working with teens to break substance abuse habits.

One of the first graduates of the program, a 16-year-old boy, gave his testimony as to the success of the program. He spoke during the Commissioners Court meeting to thank Judge Gravell for providing the program. He stated he was a daily drug user, but was able to break his drug use habit with the help of the drug court program.

During the presentation, Judge Gravell thanked County Attorney Dee Hobbs, Pct. 3 Constable Kevin Stofle and his deputy Rogerio Garcia, and the Pct. 3 Justice of the Peace staff who coordinate the program including Stacey Warner, Elizabeth Goodrich and Chief of Staff Melissa Goins for all of their work to make the program a success.

“We are humbled and honored to receive this recognition from Life Steps. We strive daily to make a difference in the lives of young people and help them to move in the right direction. The greatest reward for our court is to see a student who is successful and substance free. There is no greater joy than to see a child walk out of our courtroom knowing that he will not return or be turned over to the criminal justice system. It’s a great day for the young people of Williamson County,” stated Judge Gravell.


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