

Commissioner Cook Serving on CARTPO

Posted: feb. 14, 2017
Categories: Comm 1
Comments: 0
Author: bawassink

The Williamson County Commissioners Court approved the appointment of Commissioner Terry Cook, Precinct 1, to the Capital Area Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CARTPO) earlier this year. CARTPO enhances regional mobility through education, coordination, and advocacy.

“I have attended one meeting of CARTPO since I was appointed on February 14 of this year,” said Commissioner Cook. “This two-year appointment allows me the opportunity as a county official to make positive recommendations toward improving mobility within the county and surrounding areas, while addressing our continued growth. I returned from my initial meeting where I found some grant possibilities that we could possibly pursue to help fund needs in our county park system. I will be working with Randy Bell, our Director of County Parks, to seek local and national funding.”

CARTPO was originally created in response to legislation that called for state departments of transportation to work with officials in non-metropolitan areas when making transportation planning and programming decisions. CARTPO’s responsibilities include:

  • Providing a forum for elected officials and community leaders to learn about and discuss relevant transportation topics,
  • Evaluating and recommending projects with a regional impact to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT),
  • Overseeing research and education on financing mechanisms for transportation and related projects, such as hiking and biking trails,
  • Studying and recommending changes in statutes, rules, or policies related to state or federal transportation programs,
  • Coordinating with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) on transportation issues,
  • Developing a regional mobility strategy for the 10-county area,
  • Serving as an information clearinghouse for transportation-related data.

CARTPO serves as a forum for elected officials to come together on transportation issues to recommend changes in policy and practice, advocate for legislation, recommend regional priorities, direct certain planning and data initiatives, oversee the federally-prescribed local consultation process, and collaborate with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.

“Making sure that people can move safely and efficiently on our roads, rail, transit, pedestrian, and biking infrastructure, and even aviation is critical to improving the lives of our residents, and I don’t take this appointment lightly. I will work hard for the people I represent and everyone living in Williamson County and the central Texas region.”


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