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Williamson County Issues Burn Ban

  • 5 April 2022
  • Author: Yvonne Ramirez
  • Number of views: 3247
Williamson County Issues Burn Ban

The Williamson County Commissioners Court approved a countywide burn ban for 90 days. County Judge Bill Gravell has the authority to lift the order banning outdoor burning if conditions improve. The order prohibits outdoor burning in all of the unincorporated areas of Williamson County and smoking in and/or on Williamson County parks, preserves and trails due to dry vegetation, wind and imminent threat of severe damage.

A person violates this order if they burn any combustible material outside of an enclosure which serves to contain all flames and/or sparks, or orders such burning by others. The order prohibits the burning of household yard waste, such as leaves, grass, brush and other yard trimmings.  It also prohibits burning to clear land of trees, stumps, shrubbery, other natural vegetation and other types of debris. In accordance with Section 352.081 of the Local Government Code, a person who knowingly or intentionally violates this order commits a Class C Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $500.

For additional restrictions, requirements and details relating to the Order Prohibiting Outdoor Burning, the Order may be viewed here.

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