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Williamson County Elections Website Rated "Outstanding"

  • 10 March 2022
  • Author: Yvonne Ramirez
  • Number of views: 2689
Williamson County Elections Website Rated "Outstanding"

Williamson County’s Election website was rated as “Outstanding” by the League of Women Voters of Texas in their 2022 Primary Election County Website Review. Williamson County is one of only 56 out of 254 Texas counties to receive this rating.

“We are honored that the League of Women Voters of Texas has rated our Elections website as outstanding in providing voters with the information that they need to participate in the election process, particularly with the additional website requirements that are necessary due to new Texas election laws,” said County Judge Bill Gravell. “Williamson County has an exceptional Elections staff who are truly dedicated to public service.”

The League of Women Voters of Texas conducted this county election website review in February 2022 in preparation for the March 2022 Primary Election. The purposes of the survey were:
1. To rate how well county websites provide their citizens with up-to-date, useful and accessible information on how, when and where to vote and participate in our democracy
2. To provide county election officials with best practices and resources
3. To provide recommendations for the Texas Secretary of State’s voter education website: votetexas.gov

Voters can find the League’s County Website Review at https://s3.amazonaws.com/ClubExpressClubFiles/979482/documents/2022_Primary_Election_County_Website_Report_1191675797.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIA6MYUE6DNNNCCDT4J&Expires=1646766132&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D2022_Primary_Election_County_Website_Report.pdf&Signature=JcXVTX3iny0ppwAQpV07e1230zY%3D

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