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U.S. Census Coming in 2020

  • 14 February 2020
  • Author: Connie Odom
  • Number of views: 4297
U.S. Census Coming in 2020

In March, U.S. Census postcards will be mailed to most homes over the course of a few days. Self-response will begin mid-March and ends July 31. The U.S. Census goes to great lengths to protect the information it receives. Some people have reported receiving mail, emails or phone calls that appear to be from the census, but are phishing schemes. You may be the victim of a scam if someone claiming to be from the Census Bureau asks you for certain information. The Census Bureau never asks for:
•    Your full social security number
•    Money or donations
•    Anything on behalf of a political party
•    Your full bank or credit card account numbers
•    Your mother’s maiden name. 

Should you suspect fraudulent activity, the Census Bureau has several suggestions on how to handle the situation on their website. If you have any questions about the 2020 Census, please visit 2020census.gov

Categories: Alerts, PIO

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