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New Sod Installed at Historic County Courthouse

  • 17 August 2021
  • Author: Connie Odom
  • Number of views: 2091

The grass is going to be greener on the Williamson County courthouse lawn as Williamson County Facilities replaces the sod this week. This installation will impact parking at the courthouse as some spaces will be temporarily closed. Additionally, a temporary fence will be installed around the newly-sodded areas to prevent damage while the grass is being established.

“We are excited to be making these improvements now so that the courthouse lawn is ready for Georgetown’s Popptoberfest in October,” said Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell.

According to Christi Stromberg, Williamson County Facilities assistant director, the sod is long overdue for replacement, and the project is slated to take several days. Moreover, after the sod is installed, Stromberg is asking visitors to stay off the grass until it has had time to properly settle. 

“The impact on traffic should be minimal,” said Stromberg. “However, parking around the Williamson County Courthouse will be affected. The north side parking spaces of the courthouse square on 7th Street will be blocked off all week. We hope the public will be considerate of the new sod and allow it time to grow.”

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